Proud American Citizen.
Fluent in Portuguese and English. Conversational level in Spanish.
He has been living in Miami-Dade County since 1991, specifically in Doral since 1995.
Graduated in Business Administration. However, his passion is marketing, sales, promotion and merchandising where he received several diplomas at top Brazilian schools such as Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and Superior School of Marketing and Propaganda. Furthermore, many others international commerce courses at National International Business Foundation (Funcex-Fundação Nacional do Comércio Exterior)
Former Price Waterhouse auditor in Rio de Janeiro.
Former Master Franchisor for a cosmetic brand in Southeast Brazil for many years.
He has been trading with Brazil as exporter or importer since his arrival in Miami in 1991.
Former exclusive Senna Eyewear distributor in U.S. The Senna brand is named after the greatest Brazilian Formula One driver and has a global operation. Among many owner and distributor tasks, he was solely responsible for developing and executing all marketing, sales strategy, branding, and FDA license. For many times, 20/20 Magazine, Eyewear Magazine and Vision Today Magazine mentioned his name and the brand. He even exchanged letter with David Letterman when David himself appeared in his program using a Senna T-shirt!
He was the President of Brazilian Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship (ADHONEP), Miami Chapter for almost 3 years. Under his management, he could prove his leadership and charisma among Brazilian entrepreneurs in South Florida. His love for Christ is undeniable (Romans 1:16). He has been a very active member at a local church since 2002.
He was involved in the furniture business between Brazil and United States for years. During this period, he had the opportunity to write countless articles for top Brazilian furniture magazines and websites. ABIMAD – Brazilian Contemporary Home Furnishing Association and FENAVEM, the biggest Brazilian general furniture trade show invited him as speaker. He was mentioned by Furniture Today, the best American furniture magazine, with comments and interview many times.
Speaker at Brazil Road Show event held at MFZ – Miami Free Zone and organized by U.S. Commercial Service.
He was very active at DCC – Doral Chamber of Commerce. In addition, he was the Co-Founder and Vice-President of BMA – Brazilian Marketing Annex. BMA is a DCC business group. BMA has hosted a business breakfast for more than three years with the best Miami-Dade County speakers related to international business. Local, state and federal government have been supporting this chapter.
As former Helicopter Rotorway exclusive representative, right after exhibiting at Labace in 2010, he rebuilt the brand in Brazil leaving the Brazilian market totally opened for the next generation with almost 100 waiting-for-demo-ready-to-buy-extremely-motivated-buyers.
It is said in Brazil that due to his hard work and enthusiasm many Brazilians changed their opinion about experimental aircraft.
He is a blogger. He still writes two blogs in Portuguese. is about doing business in the United States. (151 posts from 2009 to 2016) is about aviation in general whether is an helicopter or airplane. is about real estate investment, trends and market trends
As speaker, he had the opportunity to speak in Brazil and in Miami many times. In Brazil, he spoke about Doing Business in United States. In Miami, he spoke at Miami Realtor Association, the largest local realtor association in the United States. At UM – University of Miami, School of Business, he spoke for FGV – Getúlio Vargas Foundation that is the most prestigious Brazilian business school.
Finally yet importantly, as a guest speaker, he also spoke for the most prestigious Brazilian marketing school, which is ESPM – Superior School of Propaganda & Marketing at FIU – Florida International University, College of Business Administration.
Spoke at Millennia Atlantic University in Doral.
Wholesaling with passion is his motto.
In addition to his enterprises activities, he was the founder and the president of U.S. – Brazil Chamber of Commerce, Inc in Doral. The amazing success of this one year old chamber of commerce in Brazil and in U.S. created a “trademark dispute”. The chamber was forced to cease its operation due to the use of the name “chamber of commerce”. It is sad but it is true!
On October 2015, he was invited by the City of Doral representing the Brazilian community in South Florida to join a roundtable discussion on defining current immigration issues impacting his community.
He was the co-host of a radio show program called U.S.-Brazil Biz Talk with the Voice of Business in South Florida and radio personality-award-winner Pete de La Torre from World Business Radio Network.
From the Social Media stand point, he has been very active on his You Tube Business Channel giving hints and power information to Brazilians how to do business in the U.S. This very qualified channel with 85.000 + followers, 15 categories and more than 690 videos. Sorry, it is all in Portuguese!
Due to the 2018 Brazilian election, he recorded more than 10 videos educating and encouraging Brazilian to vote for the far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro from the PSL – Liberal Social Party.
One of the videos Por que Bolsonaro será eleito no primeiro turno? Sete razões / Seven reasons why Bolsonaro will be elected on the first round had a staggering 1 million plus views and counting! It is said the he was the only Brazilian in and out of the country to reach this viewership during the presidential election.
First Brazilian born to be graduated from the Citizen Academy at the City of Doral in April 2016.
Faced time a one hour seminar from Doral to one of the most prestigious university in Brazil. UFF – Universidade Federal Fluminense in the State of Rio de Janeiro.
Invited by SBA – Small Business Administration for the Business Consultant position. Even though it is an honorable volunteer position, due to his busy schedule, he kindly declined for awhile.
Speaker at EICE 2021 – Oitavo Encontro International de Comércio Exterior or Eigth International Conference in International Business which is considered the biggest international business conference in the Brazilian central region. This conference is promoted by the State of Goiás Industrial Federation or in Portuguese, FIEG – Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Goiás.
In addition, he was invited by the U.S. Department of Commerce | International Trade Administration to serve on the U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum in Washington, D.C. He appreciated being considered as a candidate. However, due to changes in his circumstances and agenda, he had to decline this honorable opportunity.
We believe in the implementation of the Corporate Transparency Act. Moriah International, Inc and Richard Sanchez are registered at FINCEN – Financial Crimes Enforcement Networking following the B.O.I. – Beneficial Ownership Information compliances and regulations.